Download Telerivet SMS Expansion Pack 18

Step 1

Step 2

After the download is complete, open the downloaded file. If the downloaded file is not visible, open your Android notifications by dragging from the top of the screen downwards, and click telerivet-pack18.apk.

Step 3 (if necessary)

The first time you try to install an app from, your phone may show an "Install Blocked" error because the app was not downloaded from Google Play. If the installation is blocked, click "Settings", then check "Unknown sources" and click "OK", then go back and retry the installation from the beginning.

Step 4

Follow the installation steps and click Open when complete (not "Done").

Step 5

If a permissions screen is displayed, make sure that all of the permissions are enabled (including SMS, Phone, and Notifications).

If a popup says that the app was built for an older version of Android and may not work properly, you can ignore it.